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tv   ABC15 News at 500AM  ABC  October 21, 2016 5:00am-6:00am MST

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death. >> valley family about to get some closure years after a two- year-old girl died at an unlicensed day care. the retirement party for sheriff joe arpaio, that's what they're calling it. the big plan to shut down a downtown street with a perfect sendoff. we are starting out with a traffic alert on i-10. a crash on i-10 eastbound in the tunnel is really slowing adot tweeting they were able to clear the crash moments ago. we still see a lot of delays. the smart route will be i-17 southbound and tell the delays ease up. we have some video through the tunnel. it was blocking three light -- three right lanes. lanes just cleared. you will still see the delays. we will have a closer look at i- 17 in a few minutes.
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convenience store into a murder scene. the details of what happened is really unbelievable. megan thompson, walk us through what happened. >> reporter: this is where it all started. we had one guy in a white truck and another guy in a blue lincoln. may be some kind of road rage incidents happened on the roads. they took it to this parking lot and wanted to keep fighting. pulled out a pellet gun, using it to hit the other guy. that guy goes down. they turned the fight into a wrestling match on the ground. the man in the blue lincoln had a weapon he didn't even know about. his female passenger decided the only way to stop the fight is to run both men down. now the man in the white truck is dead. the guy the woman was riding with in the lincoln is in the icu with serious head injuries
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impact of being hit by a car. investigators were trying to get this straightened out and talking to witnesses on the scene and someone decided to try to make their job even harder, walking off with a critical piece of evidence. that part of the story coming up is coming up at 5:30. >> like you are deal. we will come back to you when you get new developments. your day with us here at abc 15 mornings. we have a look at the forecast. >> good to be with you on this friday. 75 degrees. and mild start to the day. clear skies. warming up quickly . look how hot we're getting. 97 today. breezes are coming back with some big changes in the seven day. we will break down the temperatures hour by hour coming up. let's get to the serious
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in bethany home road. we are waiting to learn the man's name, the man who died while walking across the street. we know he was hit by as many as two different vehicles. the first one fled the scene. the second state there. as of right now no cause or impairment information is available. the road was shut down for a few hours. the scene doesn't look better here. ar-15 over 20 street and bell. a motorcyclist killed in this crash. you can see the bike under the work fan. we expect to find out more details and we are working to get -- on this crash. this next three rips out your heart. a two-year-old girl killed at a valley day care. in just hours the two people who pleaded guilty to murder will be sends. two-year-old savanna crop died in 2012. record show wind read and allison klement were running an unlicensed day care where savanna died.
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victim's family in town for this sentencing telling us they think savanna will be watching. >> i think she will be up in the clouds with her bottle and watching the tv bopping. just like i remember watching dora. she will be looking. >> the victim's family said to speak at the sentencing later this morning. the arraignment for an mma fighter accused of kidnapping and sexually assaulting a woman the video still is hard to watch. you can see the woman over his shoulder, she is unconscious. rodolphe over marist was supposed to be arraigned last week but that was pushed back. he is facing 12 counts. sheriff joe arpaio is up for a seventh term in office. some people would like him out. >> justin pazera is in phoenix . this is going to be a busy weekend for people maybe not so welcoming for the sheriff to return.
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across the country are coming here to phoenix because of this. we are outside the sheriff's office in downtown phoenix. there is big plans this weekend to shut down this street for a block party. their calling this a, quote, retirement party. this is not the only events going on this weekend the first one is tonight. there will be an opening dinner tomorrow morning. they will be getting folks together to go door to do -- door-to-door to encourage folks to vote against then there is a block party any breakfast on sunday. the sheriff is feeling like he is fighting two battles because he is facing his challenger, paul penzone and then he has everything going on with the charges with the department of justice. this is pretty rare. sheriff joe is actually trailing in the polls according to the latest poll by the arizona republican asu. he is trailing pension by 15
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classes are set to resume today as pima community college west campus in the tucson area. a woman says she was grabbed by a guy in the parking lot as he tried to rip her into a car officers showed up and search the area but could not find anything. in gila bend appearance one answers after an attempted kidnapping. maricopa county sheriff's deputies blame their 48 minute response time to that call on traffic. bianca sanchez says a stranger jumped into her car and tried to grab her four-year-old out of the back. that chase guy off. he says it was too late by the time dps and mcso got there. >> is frightening. i'm telling myself i should've gotten justice for myself. if i had down the sheriff wouldn't get him and let him get away i would have taken justice into my own hands. >> a shift change also slowed deputies down getting to gila
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if and when the guys found he could face assault charges. the hunt is on to find who through a burning object to the windows of this tattoo parlor in phoenix. the sprinklers saved the place you 19th avenue. and bell road. investigators are looking at surveillance pictures. a federal judge extraditing joaquin "el chapo" guzman to the u.s. a judge ruled against five appeals by joaquin "el chapo" guzman. he can be extradited in january or february. the trick is keeping him behind bars. the leader of escaped two different times from maximum-security prisons in mexico. most recently last year. 's lawyers have 10 days to appeal to higher courts. a coaches claims are going to cost him a. the extra drama going into tomorrow nights homecoming game for asu. it is the ultimate sacrifice. an officer giving their life in the line of duty. we honor them.
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lanes have cleared up from that crash on i-10. things are picking up on i-17. a closer look coming up. another breezy day today.
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arguably one of the most difficult professions in the west right now. >> law enforcement. authorities are now searching for two suspects who defaced a memorial f highway patrol officers. profanity, graffiti on the fallen officer memorial. speckles officers have paid the ultimate price and were killed in the line of duty. is distasteful. >> it's a slap in the face. >> to say the least. no matter your politics we support law enforcement. the suspects were caught on
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and investigating this crime. 97 degrees is where we will get to again today. very breezy and warmer. we could see gusts up to 25 miles an hour. we talked about the changes coming our way. look at this, the valley rain chances staying dry today and tomorrow for saturday. getting rain chances starting on sunday evening and then the best chance of rain in the valley will be on monday. a 30% chance before things dry up the st for today getting back to the forecast. look how fast we warm up. in the 80s by 10:00. hitting the 90s and 6:00. very mild temperatures, especially overnight because of this high pressure. very similar today, 87 is the average. very similar to what we saw yesterday in terms of heat.
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make sure to use the air conditioner if you need to. we will tell you when we finally see a return of the 80s coming up. this is a look at i-17 from the prison traffic center. nice and light including the desert drive time's. about 16 minutes southbound from the 101 to the i-10 stack. you are seeing a little slowing on the 10. not that bad. that crash has cleared so it's not doing too bad. i-10 a 75th avenue. is getting busy. we will have closer look at the drive on i-10 in the west valley next. the largest actors union on strike. this will likely not impact your movies. we will tell you about the companies they're going up against. do you want to see a great white? there's one island in mexico swarming with them. we have another close encounter to show you. in this morning's gma first look new information about
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playboy model and so-called queen of the snapchat, katie may. the los angeles county coroner's office telling our affiliate the 34-year-old mother cause of death in february was neck manipulation a chiropractor. -- by chiropractor. she had more than 2 million instagram followers and was very active on social media. a short time before her death tweeting pinched a nerve in my neck on a photo shoot adjusted this morning. it really hurts. days later tweeting it still hurts. going back to the chiropractor tomorrow. we will have more on what officials say really went wrong during that chiropractic session
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we love football season.
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the coach of the cougars will be a little lighter in the wallet. >> they are pretty clever about it. it's like breaking the enigma code with them. back mike leach not known to hold ?it was a little tirade that he went on on monday and accused asu of stealing signs in last year's game. -- comments were expensive. he has been fined $10,000 and admonished by the conference. something about not disparaging institutions. kickoff tomorrow night is set for 7:00. about two and half weeks to go until election day. the candidates are in their final push. today hillary clinton is in cleveland and donald trump in north carolina and pennsylvania. they're not the only ones on the campaign trail. they certainly got their surrogates out there. circuits act as character witnesses. they say this is a person i
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>> a democrat seems to have a groundcover from president. obama in florida, michelle obama, bernie sanders and chelsea clinton, all making stops in arizona. the democrats have had more than 100 rallies with circuits since august 1. trump only has his daughter ivanka out there solo on the trail. the race for sheriff just got an a-list endorsement. 10 time grammy winner john legend throwing his support behind paul penzone. is telling arizonans to put a stop to joe arpaio. another singing making headlines, lady gaga releasing a new song about trayvon martin. martin was 17 years old when he was shot and killed in 2012. his death helped start the black lives matter movement. lady gaga's song about martin is called angel down. her new album will be released today. the largest actors union in hollywood is going on strike.
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failed to reach an agreement with several prominent videogame country -- companies. they were trying to get increase compensation for actors who do voice over and motion capture work popular games. a lot of that work is out there. members of the union's will be picketing outside of ea today. other companies impacted our disney and warner bros. we will see what happens there. disturbing news. another person in the west has died because of a takata malfunction. this is the 11th no death from -- faulty airbags in the last. that airbag recall is the largest auto recall in american history as more than 69 million airbags have been pulled. he spent a year in space and orbited the earth more than this 400 times and now former also scott kelly is about to sit down with president obama
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kid advisors will take over the white house today in a meeting with the top scientist. it's all in an effort to boost stem education. scary moments caught on dash cam. a sheriff's deputy in oklahoma was not expecting a couch across the road right in the middle of the night. the deputy slamming into the capital. it is devastating. the hood of the car nearly ripped off. we know the deputy survived. no word on the cow. scary moments on the roads. current temperatures. 75 at phoenix sky harbor. the wind picking up in some spots and dying down another's. h miles an hour currently at phoenix sky harbor. here's a look at desert doppler . scanning the skies it is quiet and mild. as far as is guys are
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let's look at futurecast. you can see we are sitting under a ridge of high pressure bringing up all of this above average temperatures today and into the weekend. right behind that we have a low pressure system with a lot of moisture moving into our state and bringing rain chances into the valley. we are talking cooler air as well. first we have to get through the heat for today and friday -- today. breezes will kick up around 9:00. by lu and warming up nicely. you can see sunny and clear skies all day. by 3:00 96 and dry. tomorrow as well. tomorrow looks good. i would say don't cancel any day plans on sunday but we are seeing a return of rain chances. most likely in the evening and when the temperatures drop we are down to 90 degrees by monday. the best chance of rain is 30%.
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all of those delays of attend earlier from a crash have cleared up. i want to give you a look at the east valley on the 10. very light traffic. there's weekend travel alert and loop 101. if you drive through scottsdale on the weekend loop north bound and one a one will be closed between chaparral and shape. the find an alternate route. state route 51 will be the best bet. . >> extra congestion on the side streets. we will have a closer look at the drive on the 51 in a few minutes. many of you showing up to but joe know about your consumer problems in person last night. the consumer form at tempe marketplace allows folks to get one-on-one help from 25 different experts in everything from landlord issues to personal injury questions
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where we get some positive feedback and maybe get some help for our problems. >> all issues were addressed and rectified to the best of your ability that we could do today. >> we love that. taking action for the community. thank you to all the experts who gave their time and talent free of charge. a symbol of strength and hope during one of our nation's darkest today's. nearly 3000 lives lost. today we know exactly be remembered. it's kind of extra spooky. it's great. >> orpheum theater is beautiful.
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you love all-day breakfast. i love all-day breakfast. but you don't love that you can't get all your favorites all day. i don't love that. but now you're gonna love that you can get more all day. like mcgriddles. i love mcgriddles... so you'll have to find something else to not love. hey buddy! like exploding fist bumps. pggggggghew! or forgetting what you're about to do. wait...what was i about to do? or when people who say you look like... james lipton. oh's uncanny.
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follow your own sense of style... because, you want to be confident. t.j.maxx really helped us express our creative side. that's the best part. you don't know what you're going to find.
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eam. yeah. maxx life at t.j.maxx. as you wake up, i of no ghosts. >> that's good. that means you will love to check out the ghost tour at the orpheum theater. it's a spectacular event. you can take part in tours at the orpheum and your stories about the ghost that hot the theater. the most famous is the balcony dweller maddie. >> she walks around watching. she has interrupted performances. she has interrupted directors
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>> no thanks. you can learn more about maddie and other ghosts heading to orpheum ghost there are five tours on saturday and sunday this weekend. the day before halloween as well. best of luck if you decide to venture out to -- ghost tours. a video that may have you afraid of the ocean. a diving adventure interrupted by a great white shark that dove into the divers cage then jumped out. >> steven spielberg saying i told you. we showed you this video last week. now we see another close call in that same area. watch this. the shark down on the air supply hose. you can see him holding that thing. is this deliberate? >> the shark then gets stuck between the bars. the divers had to slowly swim
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itself out. eventually it swim away. quite the experience for -- divers. have you heard of the third friday promotion? starting today if you win $20 of cardinals scratchers you can win. another few million reasons to pickup a lot of ticket. the jackpot for tonight's drawing is up to $5.1 million. it has been rolling for . the jackpot keeps getting bigger. you have the 1-31 chance to win any sort of cash prize. you have to see this. as you're driving home we will be very warm. i will tell you about some big changes coming up in the seven- day forecast. and i-10 is starting to slow down your 83rd avenue. we will take a look at the desert drive time.
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of a wild situation in phoenix. two people run over by a car. the driver says i was doing the right thing. you missed a chance to vote
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a woman uses her car to break up a fight in this circle k parking lot. one man is now dead and woman
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a dinner and block party all to celebrate the sheriff's retirement. the big plans to have a block party right outside his office. i'm not boring at all. in fact, i'm the life of every party i attended. i have been to three. >> that's not the typical tone you are used to hearing from our presidential candidates. raising money at they just couldn't keep the jobs to themselves. cardinal timothy dolan was seated between them. no ice to speak of here. far from it. >> oh my goodness. so far from it. given what are temperatures are going to be today that sounds nice. desert doppler is not picking up any rain. the commute should be dry. looking at the forecast, 90 already by lunchtime.
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breezes kicking up. coming up i will tell you how high the gust will get. so far so good on the roads. we had a crash earlier on the 10. everything is cleared up. now we see some delays near the 101 where we do every day. a 13 minute desert drive time starting out loop 101. the delays start closer to 83rd avenue. the drive time takes you to the 17. by about 43rd things esop will have a closer look at the north valley commute in a couple of minutes. a crazy scene turned deadly. we just found this out. this is near 11th avenue. and hatcher . a circle k on the corner, a woman deciding the only way to stop a fight was to darrell into two men with her car. megan thompson is on the scene trying to sort this out. what is going on?
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new details from a phoenix police. they are telling us that woman is going to be charged for running -- guys down in this parking lot. they say she was drunk and being charged with a dui and possibly a homicide. we know the one man is dead. the other seriously injured. right now this started much differently. the two men were driving and something sparked a fight. maybe they pulled off in this parking lot and the guy in truck pulled out a rifle style airsoft gun. used it to hit the other guy, sending him to the ground in the gun to the ground. they started pummeling each other on the pavement. that's when the woman passenger thought the best way to make it to stop would be to run them both over. while police were trying to interview people on the scene something else happened. someone picked up the airsoft
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the police had to catch that person and that person could also be charged with tampering with a crime scene. so many casts of characters here right now. the biggest news, one man is dead and another woman could be charged with homicide. traffic flowing along the i-10 at the mini stack after a bad motorcycle crash. three people are in serious condition and we know three motorcycles were involved. at one point the lanes had to be shut down for overnight everything reopened. officer who shot and killed an unarmed man is incorporate pre- heart -- pretrial conference today. the wife of daniel shaver once more of the body camera footage released to show when her husband was killed. philip brailsford is charged with second-degree murder. at 9:00 the parents of 10- year-old amy deal will be in a courtroom. samantha allen is charged with first-degree murder and four counts of child abuse. her trial was supposed to start
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a footlocker five years ago. thomas and michelle bastian will be in court after the wife from florence was arrested last week on terrorism charges. authorities say she mailed bomb making instructions and terrorist material into the prison where her husband is. investigators say thomas bastian converted to islam and then became radicalized in prison. my me this information. a man is facing felony charges for making a bomb threat against the gop office in north carolina. that threat comes days after someone firebombed the republican headquarters in that state. this new threat made yesterday morning. 24-year-old dylan day shack is charged with one count of terrorism. these flames seen across the valley. nearly a week after this
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caught fire investigators are confirming this is an arson scene. a $30,000 reward is being offered the fire destroyed eight homes that were under construction. the damage totals more than $10 million. the person of interest is described as a young man wearing an asu hoodie who was spotted nearby before the fire started. a reward up for grabs for some stolen tools. suspects cgh 24th street and indian school. the owner is offering a $500 reward for the tools. he needs them to do air conditioning repairs. the crooks got away in a dark green dodge durango. led police know if you know who these guys are. remembering two valley teens, 16 and 17 years old when they were killed in a car crash one week ago. friends, family, classmates embracing each other as they
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loss. >> i'm glad von is still here but i'm heartbroken over yolanda. >> the driver of the other car showed signs of impairment. he is still under investigation. let's talk politics. are state voter registration headed to the courtroom. this afternoon there will be a hearing after the arizona democratic party sued the secretary of state saying they refused to extend the voter registrati d columbus day there was no mail service. we will let you know what happens there. virginia having their own voter problems. a federal judge ordering the state to extend their voter registration deadline. this comes after the online registration site crashed on monday. that was the final day to register. the new deadline is today and people have until midnight to register online. hillary believes it's
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having one public policy and a totally different policy in private. >> donald looks at the statue of liberty and sees a four. maybe a five if she loses the torch and tablets and changes her hair. >> the presidential candidates during the annual fund-raising dinner for catholic charities in new york. the cardinal there, timothy dolan, seated between them to keep the peace. they did poke some fun at themselves. even roasted each other for a bit. unlike wednesday's debate trumpeted reach out and shook hands once it was all over. the political train making several stops in arizona before november 8. michelle obama holding a rally in phoenix as a surrogate for hillary clinton. >> hillary believes inequality , inclusion, liberty and
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should have that chance to fulfill our potential and build our shared future. >> she also called donald trump out of touch and dangers to democracy. trump's campaign responded by saying this is a reminder that hillary clinton hasn't been to our state in more than seven months. and live in downtown phoenix where protesters from around the country expected in the valley this week to show how much they hate sheriff joe arpaio. we are ou they are planning a block party right here on the street. their calling it a retirement party. if the sheriff wanted to he could watches and retirement party from the window. tonight is the first event. there will be an opening dinner tomorrow morning and they will be encouraging people to vote against the sheriff. there's a block party and a big breakfast on sunday morning.
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heat in this battle to get reelected. he is facing paul penzone and the department of justice. at this point he is trailing in the polls against paul penzone. live in downtown phoenix with abc 15. an iconic american flag raised above the rubble on 9/11 will fly in front of the arizona state capitol building.the governor. asking all ari moment to remember that thousands of lives lost on that tragic day. two service dogs abducted from their neighborhood and dumped. that's what one phoenix couples has happened. >> you don't have to be a dog lover for this one. cha-cha, one of the dogs was hurt pretty bad. she has an injured eye and possibly a broken leg. the owner says sprinkles and cha-cha got out of the yard wednesday night and yesterday morning tipster reported she saw a man dump the dogs in the
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>> my heart was broken. of when i saw that i was like oh my god. i was -- the i was completely out, i had to keep it with my hand. >> -- dogs helped their owner with anxiety and panic attacks. wrinkles wasn't hurt by cha-cha is recovering. the tipster says the guy who down to the dogs is a hispanic man with a thin build, black hair and a mustache driving a silver pickup truck near 67th avenue. and please call phoenix police if you have any information. we are in for another breezy day. today we could see gusts up to 25 miles an hour. things dying down into the weekend. that's good news. looking at the morning forecast we see the temperature
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we warm up nicely and quickly getting into the afternoon. already at 94 at 2:00. 97 degrees is where we will top out today. the uv index is at a 6, the high category. burn 1030 minutes or less. good air quality with no weather alerts or storm chances. the pollen forecast is meeting today and into the weekend. coming up we will talk about rain chances c the commute is pretty light right now. some minor delays on the 10 in the west valley. on state route 51 and 11 minute desert drive time southbound from cactus to the mini stack. north of that area of the 101 no delays. this is at 59th avenue. , eastbound is picking up with some minor brake lights. keep a close eye on that and give you a look at some we can travel alerts coming up.
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allegations against pinal county sheriff paul babeu. paul babeu exposed in a damning home video. accusations of widespread abuse at a massachusetts private school. she is sick of hearing sheriff paul babeu lie. allegations of abuse of power. another headache, the fbi has subpoenaed records. questions of babeu's integrity. new page of controversy. a question of judgment. ultimately voters are going to have to decide if he's the type of candidate they want in congress.
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what's that smell? not a question you want to ask midflight. an investigation is underway after a health scare on a spirit airlines flight in los angeles. about 20 people felt sick. no one had to go to the hospital but la police and hazmat crews that the plane at the gate. ac/dc is also helping out. good morning america has a tea working on the story and we'll have much more starting at 7:00. new video also coming out of los angeles. a huge fire at a hillside home. at least one person injured. some people are unaccounted for. i will let you know what develops in this story throughout the morning. something afoot at the circle k. check out the new video. an open door policy is officers in tucson are investigating after a driver slammed right
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shockingly, no one was hurt. the driver being investigated for impairment. another pharmaceutical company under fire for boosting the price of one of its drugs. bernie sanders and other lawmakers now demanding to know why there wasn't 80 $80,000 price hike. you heard that right. for years supply of a drug that treats leukemia patients. the lawmakers want to know what programs company is offering to try to cut the cost. overnight iraqi special forces are facing snipers in the town east of mosul. lieutenant. saying they have complete control . forces are going house to house to clear any explosives left behind by the militants. the un is worried that isis is using people as human shields. eight to a different city in iraq, militants armed with assault rifles and explosives
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city near the northern province , the kurdish region. officials believe they're trying to divert attention away from the mosul overtaking. no word on casualties of iraqis. we do know one american servicemember has been killed. monitoring western japan after a big earthquake shook overnight. preliminary reports according to the usgs have the quake as a 6.2. this is video in a building. there is some panic going on. at this point immediate reports of damage. no tsunami warnings for the country is still feeling the effects of that 2011 cake -- quake and the subsequent tsunami that claimed the lives of more than 22,000 people. tracking changes we will see together. you can see we are sitting under a ridge of high pressure bringing all of this heat. you can see that spike. as we press play you can see
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is a low pressure system moving in and bringing of moisture into the state and specifically into us in the valley. bringing rain chances here. staying dry today and tomorrow. looking ahead, by sunday evening we are expecting a 20% chance of showers bumping that even more on monday. slowly tapering off as we dry out by wednesday and thursday. getting back to today we talk about how warm it's going to be si pressure. we have to get through this first. we will be sunny and clear all day. breezes come into play in we could see gusts up to 25 miles an hour. warming eating into lunchtime. already 90 by then. by 3:00 96 degrees and drive. across the valley we will be in the mid to upper 90s today. average is 87. if you're thinking shouldn't we be in the
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that in dealing with the heat. let's see with only for temperatures in the seven-day forecast. still warm for the weekend. as the rain chances come into play the temperatures will drop a little bit. down to 90 by monday. 88 tuesday. the 90s not staying away for long. >> on wednesday. a new crash on i-10. eastbound at 35th avenue. . eastbound at 35th avenue. it looks like they have a completely on the left-hand it will still at -- add to the delays. right now they start around 91st avenue. and easing up right near 19th avenue. right near 19th avenue. i-17 has no crashes but the desert drive time is about 13 minutes southbound from dunlap to mcdowell. right around northern will be the slowest spot we will have a closer look at the east valley next. an english -- english
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u.s. but for millions it's a different story at home. a new study has imposing 27% of arizona's do not speak english at home. that is across the nation. a record 64 million americans speak a language other than english at home. the biggest increase was arabic, hindu. spanish is the most -- the second most spoken language in nation. willy wonka in real life. it m $1000 for this penny. allied bank has left 100 of these fake pennies intensities across the country. one side is the bank's logo and the other side says it is worth 100,000 sense. if you take it does if you find it take it to an allied bank and it's worth $1000.
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making the drive. the world's top leaders are getting extra dose of girl power. wonder woman will be sworn in as an honorary ambassador for the united nations. she will be the face of gender equality. there is a celebration planned. a veteran clown performer the victim crime. her beloved sidekick stolen from her home. now she is left with only memories. just ahead, valley icon isn't going anywhere. the metro center is about to
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with 40 megs of internet speed from centurylink, a family of four can all be online at the same time... streaming, gaming, or downloading movies. all you need is high-speed internet from centurylink. get up to 40 megs for just $20 a month for one year when bundled with a qualifying home phone plan. speed may not be available in your area. no, that's okay. i'm not hungry. don't worry about me. okay.
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it is friday morning. we are taking action to give you some of the best programs to check out this weekend. >> tonight at the arizona science center there is laser tag, futuristic fun. the event is from 6:00 to 10:00. or you can take part in a flash flight parade at the mcdowell mountain preserve. that is to bring awareness to the threat of the country's largest urban preserve.
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pomona park on saturday and sunday have dates opening at 830 days. halloween fun happening early at the queen creek trunk or treat event.'s fip them at the town center on ellsworth road. >> football fans, homecoming game for the sun devils. this is video from last year's event. the fun starts with a parade and that is at 3:00 for the block party. kickoff at 7 pm. we have to show you these cuties. they bring a whole new meaning to the chicago cubs. the four-month-old red pandas are living at the lincoln zoo in chicago. their names inspired by the hometown team, sheffield and wetland. those are the street names around wrigley field. a pennsylvania woman known for making people smile with her clown act becomes the victim of a heartbreaking crime.
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out the car had been stolen. the thieves took off with her purse, credit cards and clown supplies inside. also in that vehicle was her beloved sidekick, a monkey puppet named jingles. >> and he's not here anymore. they took him from me. of all the things to take. >> it breaks your heart. police were able to catch the thieves. they got some of her stuff back but jingles is still missing.'s. is going to be but later on look how warm it's going to be. coming up i will tell you about some big changes coming our way. a new crash on i-10 and 35th avenue. i will let you know how this impacts your commute. road rage apparently turns into a deadly situation. we have new details from the scene
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i spent many years as a nuclear missile launch officer. help if the president gave the order we had to launch the missiles, that would be it. i prayed that call would never come. [ radio chatter ] self control may be all that keeps these missiles from firing. [ sirens blearing ] i would bomb the [ beep] out of them. i want to be unpredictable. i love war. the thought of donald trump with nuclear weapons scares me to death. it should scare everyone.
5:58 am
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6:00 am
roadways. two separate crashes. one involving a hit and run driver. we have all of the details. you probably have been getting a lot of campaign stuff in the mail. sheriff joe arpaio is not mailing it in this election cycle. we're talking about his retirement party coming up. friday morning tgif to all of you. 75 right now at phoenix sky harbor. clear skies. will be getting, 97 with clear skies and breezy conditions. we could see gusts up to 25 miles an hour. you can see we will be getting very warm. coming up we will talk about when the 80s will come back. we have one crash that could slow you down on i-10 eastbound at 35th avenue. is now completely off to the side. you can see some extra congestion.


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